Effect of Pressure Management on Performance Indicators of Water Distribution Network in Tehran

Limitation of water resources, population growth, increase of water consumption per capita, industrial and agricultural development, highlighted the non-revenue water (or unaccounted-for water) as an important issue especially in developing countries. Therefore managers and decision makers in water and wastewater sectors should consider this important issue in their plans. Pressure management is one of the most effective and economical methods for water loss reduction in distribution networks. In spite of many studies which describe the principles of pressure management theory, however, only few studies on pressure management at field are available, therefore more studies on pressure management at field are necessary. In this paper, effect of pressure management on improving of performance indicators of water distribution network was studied. To perform the study, a small water distribution network in Tehran city was isolated. A modulated pressure reducing valve (PRV) with an ultrasonic flowmeter used to control and monitor the flow parameters. Some different pressure patterns were generated by the modulated PRV applied on the network and for each case, minimum night flows were measured. By suitable adjustment of pressure patterns, no complaint reported by consumers during the study period. Results showed that a good pressure management could significantly decrease the minimum night flow and improve performance indicators. 

  تاریخ ثبت : 1 مرداد 1396